Minion Profile for Shayla R.

Whites Creek, TN USA
3598 XP
Joined November 20, 2020
Last Active February 5, 2025

Hello, my name is Shayla Rucker! I have been demoing board and card games (as an Envoy Herald through Double Exposure, Inc.) at various conventions, events, and game stores since May 2015. Starting this year (2020), I now demo games online as well!

Shayla's Top 5 Games to Demo

The Isle of Cats (The City of Games) - 7 demos
Cowboy Bebop: Space Serenade (Japanime Games) - 7 demos
Mangaka: The Fast & Furious Game of Drawing Comics (Japanime Games) - 7 demos
Naruto: Ninja Arena (Japanime Games) - 7 demos
Solar Draft (Tasty Minstrel Games) - 6 demos

Shayla's IGA Game Certifications

Shayla's IGA Game Collection

12 Days (Cheapass Games)
12 Days of Christmas (Eagle-Gryphon Games)
30 Seconds to Live (Kitten Kaiju Games)
A Gentle Rain (Incredible Dream)
AFFLICTION: Salem 1692 (DPH Games Inc.)
Age of Comics: The Golden Years (Lirius Games)
Alkemia: Destiny's Recipe (KinSoul Studio)
Arcana Rising (Portal Games)
ArchRavelry (XYZ Game Labs)
Ars Alchimia (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Attack on Titan: The Last Stand (Japanime Games)
Bad Medicine (Formal Ferret Games)
Before There Were Stars... (Smirk & Laughter Games)
Big Bad Overlord (Big Bad Ideas LLC)
Big Dig (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Bitoku (Portal Games)
Bitoku: Resutoran (Portal Games)
Black Hole Rainbows (June Dune Games)
BoardGameGeek: The Card Game (Weber Games)
BOO (Perplext)
Boss Monster 2: The Next Level (Brotherwise Games)
Boss Monster: Collector Box (Brotherwise Games)
Boss Monster: Dragon Prince Hero Pack (Brotherwise Games)
Boss Monster: The Dungeon Building Card Game (Brotherwise Games)
Boxtop Pinball: Haunted House (Pandasaurus Games)
Brass Empire (Rock Manor Games)
Brass Empire: New Canton (Rock Manor Games)
Bubble Tea (Renegade Game Studios)
Calico (Ravensburger)
Call to Adventure (Brotherwise Games)
Call to Adventure: Name of the Wind (Brotherwise Games)
Canvas: Finishing Touches – Deluxe Edition (R2i Games)
Canvas: Kickstarter Mini Expansion (R2i Games)
Canvas: Reflections – Deluxe Edition (R2i Games)
Careers (Alga)
Careers (Carlit)
Castle Panic (Fireside Games)
Castle Panic: The Dark Titan (Fireside Games)
Castles by the Sea (Brotherwise Games)
Castles by the Sea: Riptide Expansion (Brotherwise Games)
Cat Sudoku (Sunrise Tornado Game Studio)
Catacombs (Third Edition) (Elzra Corp.)
Catacombs Cubes (Elzra Corp.)
Catacombs Cubes: Monuments (Elzra Corp.)
Catacombs: Gelatinous Cube promo (Elzra Corp.)
Catacombs: Red Box (Elzra Corp.)
Catacombs: Wyverns of Wylemuir (Second Edition) (Elzra Corp.)
Cauldron: Bubble and Boil (Magic Circle Games, LLC)
CHAINsomnia (Japanime Games)
Channel A (Asmadi Games)
Chocolate Factory: Deluxe Edition (Alley Cat Games)
Chocolatiers (Daily Magic Games)
Chocoloco (Gobico)
Christmas Lights: Card Game (25th Century Games)
Cindr (Smirk & Laughter Games)
City Explorer: Kyoto (Moaideas Game Design)
Clank! Catacombs (Dire Wolf Digital)
Conqueror: Final Conquest (Cation Arts)
Cowboy Bebop: Space Serenade (Japanime Games)
Cowboy Bebop: The Board Game (Jasco Games)
Curiosity (Pleiades Games)
Cutthroat Caverns (Smirk & Dagger Games)
Cutthroat Caverns: Deeper & Darker (Smirk & Dagger Games)
Danger Park (Story Machine Games)
Darwinning! (DDP Games)
Darwinning!: Paradise Promo (DDP Games)
Dawn of Mankind (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Deck Box Dungeons (Ariah Studios)
Deck Box Dungeons: Quicksilver Sword (Ariah Studios)
Degrees in Darkness (Weird Giraffe Games)
Demon Worker (Japanime Games)
Desert Island (Gorilla Games)
Design Town: Wilderness (Moaideas Game Design)
Diceborn Heroes (Diceborn Games Ltd.)
Diceborn Heroes: Campaign Treasure Pack (Diceborn Games Ltd.)
Die of the Dead (Radical 8 Games)
Die-namo (Inevitable Ideas)
Disney Villainous (Ravensburger)
Disney Villainous (Wonder Forge)
Disney Villainous: Bigger and Badder (Ravensburger)
Disney Villainous: Despicable Plots (Ravensburger)
Disney Villainous: Evil Comes Prepared (Ravensburger)
Disney Villainous: Filled with Fright (Ravensburger)
Disney Villainous: Perfectly Wretched (Ravensburger)
Disney Villainous: Sugar and Spite (Ravensburger)
Disney Villainous: Wicked to the Core (Ravensburger)
Distilled (Paverson Games)
Dogs BOND (Dogs BOND)
Don't Go In There (R2i Games)
Downtown Farmers Market (Blue Orange Games)
Dragon Ball Z: Over 9000 (IDW Games)
Dragon Ball Z: Perfect Cell (IDW Games)
Ducks in Tow (First Fish Games)
Ducks in Tow: The Angry Goose Mini-Expansion (First Fish Games)
Dungeon Busters (Mayday Games)
Dungeon Roll (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Escape From Site 19 (Extreme Board Games, s. r. o.)
Escape From Site 19: Additional Security Protocols (Extreme Board Games, s. r. o.)
ESSEN (LudiCreations)
ESSEN: CW & WC (LudiCreations)
ESSEN: Live! (LudiCreations)
ESSEN: The Press Room (LudiCreations)
ESSEN: Waffles & Crepes (LudiCreations)
Eternal Palace (Alley Cat Games)
Eternal Palace (Kickstarter Deluxe edition) (Alley Cat Games)
Festival of a Thousand Cats (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Fire in the Library (Weird Giraffe Games)
Fireworks (Renegade Game Studios)
Fishing Lessons (Button Shy)
Fishing Lessons: Fabled Fish (Button Shy)
Fishing Lessons: Family Friends (Button Shy)
Flip City (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Flip City: Reuse (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Flip City: Wilderness (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Food Truck Champion (Daily Magic Games)
Forest of Fate (Cards of Fate)
Forgotten Waters (Portal Games)
Frenemy Pastry Party (Solis Game Studio)
Funemployed (Urban Island Games, LLC)
Get Bit! (Sentinel Comics)
Get Bit! (Fabled Nexus)
Get Bit! (Mayday Games)
Get Bit! (Greater Than Games, LLC)
Ghosts of Christmas (
Gift of Tulips (Weird Giraffe Games)
Globetrotting (R2i Games)
Goryo (Giga Mech Games)
Grimslingers (Isaac Black's Studio)
Haiku Warrior (Jason Anarchy Games)
Happy Home (Alley Cat Games)
Heart of Crown (Japanime Games)
Here, Kitty, Kitty! (Fireside Games)
Hero Realms (Wise Wizard Games)
Hero Realms: Adventure Storage Box (Wise Wizard Games)
Hero Realms: Character Pack – Cleric (Wise Wizard Games)
Hero Realms: Character Pack – Fighter (Wise Wizard Games)
Hero Realms: Character Pack – Ranger (Wise Wizard Games)
Hero Realms: Character Pack – Thief (Wise Wizard Games)
Hero Realms: Character Pack – Wizard (Wise Wizard Games)
Hero Realms: The Ancestry (Wise Wizard Games)
Hero Realms: The Ruin of Thandar Campaign Deck (Wise Wizard Games)
Hero's Crossing (One Method Monkey LLC)
HerStory (Underdog Games)
Hey Cutie (One Method Monkey LLC)
High Rise (Formal Ferret Games)
Holly Jolly (25th Century Games)
Holly Jolly: Candy Canes promo cards (25th Century Games)
Holly Jolly: Gingerbread House promo card (25th Century Games)
Holly Jolly: Krampus promo card (25th Century Games)
Horrified (Ravensburger)
House Of Pounce (Stupid Puppy Games)
Imperial Settlers (Portal Games)
Imperial Settlers: Roll & Write (Portal Games)
Invincible: The Hero-Building Game (Dire Wolf Digital)
Kanagawa: Yokai (Portal Games)
KAPOW! Volume 1 (Wise Wizard Games)
KAPOW! Volume 2 (Wise Wizard Games)
Kingdomino (Blue Orange Games)
Kingdomino Origins (Blue Orange Games)
Kinghill (Violet Dragon)
Kingswood: Royal Edition (25th Century Games)
Kitty Paw (Renegade Game Studios)
Kohaku (Gold Seal Games)
Kōhaku (25th Century Games)
KOI (Smirk & Laughter Games)
Lair (Game and a Curry, LLC)
Lanterns Dice: Lights in the Sky (Renegade Game Studios)
Lanterns Dice: Lights in the Sky (Foxtrot Games)
Legacies (Brookspun Games, LLC)
Lost Woods (Poppy Jasper Games)
Love Battle! High School (Japanime Games)
Lupin the 3rd (Japanime Games)
Machi Koro (IDW Games)
Machi Koro (Pandasaurus Games)
Machi Koro: Bright Lights, Big City (IDW Games)
Mageling (Familiar Games)
Magna Roma (Archona Games)
Magna Roma: Deluxe Obelisk Monument (Archona Games)
Magna Roma: Dominus (Archona Games)
Magna Roma: Emperor's Box (Archona Games)
Manaforge (Mystic Tiger Games, LLC)
Mangaka: Decadent Heart (Japanime Games)
Mangaka: The Fast & Furious Game of Drawing Comics (Japanime Games)
Maximum Apocalypse (Rock Manor Games)
Meeple Land (Blue Orange Games)
Meeple Party (9th Level Games)
Mega Billionaire Banshee (Breaking Games)
Milkman (Dice Hate Me Studio)
Million Dollar Script (Portal Games)
Minecraft: Builders & Biomes (Ravensburger)
Minecraft: Builders & Biomes – Expansion (Ravensburger)
Minecraft: Heroes of the Village (Ravensburger)
Monopoly (Carlit)
Monopoly (Alga)
Monopoly (BRIO)
Moon River (Blue Orange Games)
My Father's Work (Renegade Game Studios)
Naruto: Ninja Arena (Japanime Games)
Night of the Ninja (Brotherwise Games)
No Escape (OOMM Games)
No Escape: Salvation (OOMM Games)
No Honor Among Thieves (Carpe Omnis Games)
Not Another Fetch Quest!!! (RockWall Games)
Oceans (NorthStar Game Studio)
Oceans: The Deep – Promo Pack 1 (NorthStar Game Studio)
Oceans: The Deep – Promo Pack 2 (NorthStar Game Studio)
Ohanami (Pandasaurus Games)
Okey Dokey (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Orléans (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Overboss: A Boss Monster Adventure (Brotherwise Games)
Pachisi (F.X. Schmid)
Pachisi (Carlit)
Pachisi (F.X. Schmid)
Pachisi (Alga)
Pachisi (F.X. Schmid)
Pachisi (HABA USA)
Pachisi (F.X. Schmid)
Pachisi (BRIO)
Pachisi (F.X. Schmid)
Pachisi (F.X. Schmid)
Pachisi (F.X. Schmid)
Pachisi (Ravensburger)
Pachisi (F.X. Schmid)
Pachisi (F.X. Schmid)
Pachisi (F.X. Schmid)
Paupers' Ladder (Bedsit Games)
Paupers' Ladder (Bedsit Games)
Photosynthesis (Blue Orange Games)
Photosynthesis: Under the Moonlight (Blue Orange Games)
Pigment (Copper Frog Games LLC)
Pinball Showdown (Shoot Again Games)
Pioneer Days (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Planet (Blue Orange Games)
Pretty Princess Pomelo (Team Pomelo Games)
Project L (CrowD Games)
Psychic Pizza Deliverers Go to the Ghost Town (
Pumpkin Express (Lagniappe Games)
Pumpkin Express (Lagniappe Games)
Pumpkin Patch: Bad Seeds (Brouhaha Games)
Quests of Valeria (Daily Magic Games)
Ramen! Ramen! (Japanime Games)
Reap (Jason Anarchy Games)
Rescuing Robin Hood (Castillo Games)
Roll Camera: Story Pack – X-mas Movie (Keen Bean Studio)
Roll Camera! The Filmmaking Board Game (Keen Bean Studio)
Roll Camera!: The B-Movie Expansion (Keen Bean Studio)
Roll Player (Thunderworks Games)
Roll Player: Fiends & Familiars (Thunderworks Games)
Roll Player: Monsters & Minions (Thunderworks Games)
Ruins of Mars (Atheris Entertainment)
Sagrada (CrowD Games)
Sagrada: 5-6 Player Expansion (CrowD Games)
Sailing Toward Osiris (Daily Magic Games)
Sailor Moon Crystal: Dice Challenge (Japanime Games)
Sailor Moon Crystal: Imposterous (Japanime Games)
Sakura Heroes (Ravensburger)
Secrets of the Lost Tomb (Everything Epic)
Septima (Portal Games)
Septima: Shapeshifting & Omens (Portal Games)
Silver (Ravensburger)
Skate Summer (Pandasaurus Games)
SKEPTICS (Usiak Games and Designs)
Solar Draft (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Sonic the Hedgehog: Dice Rush (IDW Games)
Starlight Stage (Japanime Games)
Starlight Stage: Shining Star (Japanime Games)
Starlink (Blue Orange Games)
Steam Up: A Feast of Dim Sum (Hot Banana Games)
Storm Dragons (Dragon Phoenix Games, LLC)
Stranger Things: Upside Down (Portal Games)
Studies in Sorcery: Divination (Weird Giraffe Games)
Suburbia (CrowD Games)
Suburbia (Portal Games)
Sushi Boat (Japanime Games)
Sword Art Online Board Game: Sword of Fellows (Japanime Games)
Table Golf Association (Meeple Mania Games LLC)
Taco Bell Party Pack Card Game (Ravensburger)
Taelmoor (Delve Bros)
Tavern Masters (Dann Kriss Games)
Tavern Masters: Dirty Deeds Expansion (Dann Kriss Games)
Tavern Masters: Dockside Expansion (Dann Kriss Games)
Tavern Masters: Games Of Chance Expansion (Dann Kriss Games)
Tavern Masters: Songs From The Tavern (Soundtrack, CD) (Dann Kriss Games)
Tavern Masters: Tavern Menu Expansion (Dann Kriss Games)
Tenpenny Parks (Thunderworks Games)
The Dragon Prince: Battlecharged (Brotherwise Games)
The Dragon Prince: Battlecharged Dark Callum Action Deck (Brotherwise Games)
The Flow of History (Tasty Minstrel Games)
The Girl Who Made The Stars (Final Frontier Games)
The Hunger (Renegade Game Studios)
The Hunger: High Stakes (Renegade Game Studios)
The Isle of Cats Explore & Draw (The City of Games)
The Networks (Formal Ferret Games)
The Networks: Telly Time (Formal Ferret Games)
The Tea Dragon Society Card Game (Renegade Game Studios)
The Tower of Madness (Smirk & Dagger Games)
The Tree Lined Avenue (Japanime Games)
The White Castle (Portal Games)
The White Castle: Matcha (Portal Games)
Thieves Den (Daily Magic Games)
Three Sisters (25th Century Games)
Tides of Time (Portal Games)
Tiny Epic Dinosaurs (Gamelyn Games)
Tiny Epic Quest (Gamelyn Games)
Tiny Epic Tactics (Gamelyn Games)
Titans of Industry (Gozer Games)
Tofu Kingdom (Blue Orange Games)
TOKYO SIDEKICK (Japanime Games)
Town Builder: Coevorden (First Fish Games)
Travelers of Tryphosa (Mindfruit Games)
Trick or Treat (Leder Games)
Tricks & Treats (Nazca Games)
Truck Off: The Food Truck Frenzy (Adam's Apple Games, LLC)
Turf War: Trick-or-Treat (Gadabout Games)
Tussie Mussie (Button Shy)
Tussie Mussie Expansion Collection (Button Shy)
Tussie Mussie: Flower Shoppe (Button Shy)
Underlings of Underwing (The Pericles Group, LLC)
Unearth (Brotherwise Games)
Villages of Valeria (Daily Magic Games)
Vinyl: Big Band Expansion (Talon Strikes Studio)
Vinyl: Holiday Edition (Talon Strikes Studio)
Vinyl: Masters of Metal (Talon Strikes Studio)
Way Too Many Cats (Weird Giraffe Games)
Way Too Many Gray Cats (Weird Giraffe Games)
Welcome To... (Jumping Turtle Games)
Wicked & Wise (Weird Giraffe Games)
Witch Way: A Game of Twists and Turns (Tea Leaf Games)
Witchcraft! (25th Century Games)
WizBang! (Big Bad Ideas LLC)
Wondrous Creatures (Bad Comet Games)
Wondrous Creatures: Gargantuan Beasts (Bad Comet Games)
Woodcraft (Jumping Turtle Games)
Yokohama (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Yokohama (2Tomatoes Games)
ZU Tiles: Hime - Starter Set 1 (ZU Studios, LLC.)

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