Minion Profile for Bob N.

Fort Scott, KS USA
214 XP
Joined September 14, 2015
Last Active January 9, 2022

Bob's Top 5 Games to Demo

Boss Monster: The Dungeon Building Card Game (Brotherwise Games) - 5 demos
Hex Hex XL (Smirk & Dagger Games) - 3 demos
Raiders of the North Sea (Renegade Game Studios) - 3 demos
Cartographers (Thunderworks Games) - 3 demos
The Manhattan Project: Energy Empire (Minion Games) - 3 demos

Bob's IGA Game Certifications

Bob's IGA Game Collection

Ahau (Apeiron Games)
ALIEN: Fate of the Nostromo (Ravensburger)
Altiplano (Renegade Game Studios)
Amun-Re (Tasty Minstrel Games)
AquaSphere (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Arena: The Contest (Dragori Games)
Argent: Mancers of the University (Level 99 Games)
Argent: The Consortium (Level 99 Games)
BattleCON: Fate of Indines (Level 99 Games)
Belfort (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Belfort (2TomatoesGames)
Belfort: The Expansion Expansion (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Bomb Squad (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Bomb Squad Academy (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Boss Monster 2: The Next Level (Brotherwise Games)
Boss Monster: The Dungeon Building Card Game (Brotherwise Games)
Boss Monster: Tools of Hero-Kind (Brotherwise Games)
Carcassonne (Korea Boardgames)
Cartographers (Thunderworks Games)
Castles of Mad King Ludwig (Korea Boardgames)
Circuit Breaker (Freshwater Game Company)
Citadels (Korea Boardgames)
City Hall (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Colosseum (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Crusaders: Thy Will Be Done (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Cthulhu Realms (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Cutthroat Caverns (Smirk & Dagger Games)
Daimyo's Fall (Axis Mundi)
Dead Hand Chaos Poker (Smirk & Dagger Games)
Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game (Korea Boardgames)
Downfall (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Downforce (Portal Games)
Duel of Wands (Renegade Game Studios)
Dungeon Roll (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Dungeon Roll Legends: Hero Booster Pack #2 (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Dungeon Roll: Hero Booster Pack #1 (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Dwar7s Fall (Vesuvius Media)
Dwellings of Eldervale (Breaking Games)
Easter Island (Twilight Creations, Inc.)
Eminent Domain: Microcosm (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Evolution (NorthStar Game Studio)
Evolution: Climate (NorthStar Game Studio)
Festival of a Thousand Cats (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Flip City (Tasty Minstrel Games)
FUSE (Renegade Game Studios)
Girl Genius: The Works (Cheapass Games)
Go Goa (Kheo Games)
Guns & Steel (Portal Games)
Guns & Steel (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Harbour (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Hero Realms (Wise Wizard Games)
Hero Realms: The Ruin of Thandar Campaign Deck (Wise Wizard Games)
Hex Hex (Smirk & Dagger Games)
Hex Hex Next (Smirk & Dagger Games)
Hex Hex XL (Smirk & Dagger Games)
Honshū (Renegade Game Studios)
Ingenious (Korea Boardgames)
Joraku (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Lanterns: The Harvest Festival (Renegade Game Studios)
Legends of Andor (Korea Boardgames)
Lemuria (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Letters from Whitechapel (Korea Boardgames)
Lions of Lydia (Bellwether Games LLC)
Machi Koro: Deluxe Edition (IDW Games)
Mag·Blast (Third Edition) (Korea Boardgames)
Mezo (Portal Games)
My Father's Work (Renegade Game Studios)
Nevermore: So Long, my World (Axis Mundi)
Nexus Ops (Renegade Game Studios)
Okey Dokey (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Orléans (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Paladins of the West Kingdom (Renegade Game Studios)
Pandemic (Korea Boardgames)
Photosynthesis (Blue Orange Games)
Power Grid (Korea Boardgames)
Puerto Rico (Ravensburger)
Race for the Galaxy (Portal Games)
Race for the Galaxy (Korea Boardgames)
Raiders of the North Sea (Renegade Game Studios)
Red7 (Asmadi Games)
Rise to Nobility (Final Frontier Games)
Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island (Portal Games)
Roll Player (Thunderworks Games)
Rome & Roll (PSC Games)
Run for your Life, Candyman! (Smirk & Dagger Games)
Rune Age (Korea Boardgames)
Samara (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Scoville (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Scoville: Labs (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Scythe (CrowD Games)
Seasons (CrowD Games)
Secrets of the Lost Tomb (Everything Epic)
Sentinels of the Multiverse (Greater Than Games, LLC)
Shipwrights of the North Sea (Second Edition) (Renegade Game Studios)
Shogunate (Dreadful Games)
Specter Ops (Nazca Games)
Splendor (Korea Boardgames)
Star Realms (Wise Wizard Games)
Star Realms: Colony Wars (Wise Wizard Games)
Star Realms: Cosmic Gambit Set (Wise Wizard Games)
Star Realms: Crisis – Bases & Battleships (Wise Wizard Games)
Star Realms: Crisis – Events (Wise Wizard Games)
Star Realms: Crisis – Heroes (Wise Wizard Games)
Star Realms: Gambit Set (Wise Wizard Games)
Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game (Korea Boardgames)
Stone Age (Korea Boardgames)
Super Dungeon Explore: Forgotten King (Ninja Division Publishing)
Sutakku (Smirk & Dagger Games)
Tail Feathers (CrowD Games)
Tawantinsuyu: The Inca Empire (Portal Games)
Tekhenu: Obelisk of the Sun (Portal Games)
Terra Prime (Tasty Minstrel Games)
The Castles of Burgundy (Ravensburger)
The Fox in the Forest (Renegade Game Studios)
The Manhattan Project (Minion Games)
The Manhattan Project: Chain Reaction (Minion Games)
The Manhattan Project: Energy Empire (Minion Games)
The Manhattan Project: Second Stage (Minion Games)
The Towers of Arkhanos (IDW Games)
The Towers of Arkhanos (IDW Games)
Tides of Madness (Portal Games)
Tikal (Ravensburger)
Tiny Epic Kingdoms (Gamelyn Games)
Trade on the Tigris (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Transformers Deck-Building Game (Renegade Game Studios)
Trekking the National Parks: Second Edition (Bink Ink)
Unearth (Brotherwise Games)
Valeria: Card Kingdoms (Daily Magic Games)
Vampire: The Masquerade Rivals Expandable Card Game (Renegade Game Studios)
Village (Tasty Minstrel Games)
Zombiegeddon (Twilight Creations, Inc.)
ZombieTown (Twilight Creations, Inc.)
Zooscape (Tasty Minstrel Games)

Bob's Achievements

League of Minions
Get Them to the Geek
Putting it All Together
Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A B A Start
Road Warrior
Test Subject
Photo of the Month
Part of the Team