Minions: Get alerted when your games become demo-eligible!

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For Immediate Release
December 3, 2016
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Pleased to announce a cool new feature for our volunteer Minions. Now, if you’ve registered your username on your minion profile (and if not, you should do so now), and if you keep track of your game collection there, we’ll be able to tell you when you get new games that are eligible to be demoed for Loot Points!

New games will appear when you’ve added new games to your BGG collection that are IGA-supported, or when companies that publish the games you already own join the IGA team as members. Look for emails on Friday mornings if you’ve got new games to move to your IGA shelf!

Founded in April 2014, the Indie Game Alliance is a guild of independent tabletop game developers. Alliance volunteers, or Minions, give demos, run tournaments, playtest new games, and represent IGA members at conventions. With hundreds of member publishers on six continents, including household names like Portal Games, Asmadi Games, Tasty Minstrel Games, Mayday Games, and Brotherwise Games, the Alliance brings the very best of the board gaming hobby to the public.